H40GC DXpedition 2017, by Stan ( LZ1GC ) was held from September 30, 2017 till October 25, 2017. This DXpedition was also with Humanitarian mission to the people of Temotu Province. During this activity was made 17823 QSOs on all HF bands on CW, SSB and RTTY.

You can check your QSO (s) with H40GC on Clublog logsearch:




H40GC DXpedition 2016, by Stan, LZ1GC was between October 04, 2016 and October 17, 2016. During this activity were made 18454 QSOs with 119 different countries on all HF bands - CW, SSB and RTTY.

You can check your QSO(s) with H40GC on Clublog logsearch:



                                                                    73! Stan, LZ1GC